A patch too is available, for which lib.exe is required to apply the patch, but that seems to be a part of an older version of visual basic. Some sites say lib.exe is available as a part of the Windows SDK, but after installing several versions of it there’s no trace of it, or even of link.exe which could be used instead. It seems that lib.exe only comes with older versions of software such as visual basic, and too much time has been spent already chasing down this rabbit hole. #CLIPPER 5.3 FOR WINDOWS AND DOS 5.3 INSTALLATION SOFTWARE# The patch doesn’t need to be applied at all for what we’re doing here so given that half the afternoon is already gone, it’s time to focus on more productive things. #CLIPPER 5.3 FOR WINDOWS AND DOS 5.3 INSTALLATION PATCH# I just have 64-bit operating systems on my desktop and laptop, and need a 32-bit one to run Clipper and the compiled version of the code. My reason for wanting to use Clipper instead of Harbour is that a print problem happens with the Harbour version of the code, so I want to use the Clipper version (which can’t run on 64-bit) to figure out what should be happening instead, and to also confirm that any changes to get the Harbour version working don’t result in breaking the Clipper version. So setting up a virtual 32-bit development environment is the next thing to get sorted out. #CLIPPER 5.3 FOR WINDOWS AND DOS 5.3 INSTALLATION INSTALL#Įventually after installing a 32-bit version of vista (I won’t track down a 32-bit version of xp or 7 just yet), I work through a complicated series of steps to install clipper, harbour, sublime text, the printer, and configuring them all, so that I’m at last ready to compile and develop for Clipper. After setting up autoexec.nt and config.nt which apply when running dos-based programs and, but not cmd – and it’s just gone 9pm. One of the printing problems involves printing out to a text file. It seems that a problem occurs around a IsThisADir() function that comes from the DIRCHANGE() Function page, which I find to be due to using version 5.2 of Clipper when version 5,3 needs to be used instead. Okay – so upgrading to 5.3 is next to be done. Installing 5.3 wasn’t all that tricky, but setting up the environment variables certainly had its issues. #CLIPPER 5.3 FOR WINDOWS AND DOS 5.3 INSTALLATION SOFTWARE#.#CLIPPER 5.3 FOR WINDOWS AND DOS 5.3 INSTALLATION PATCH#.#CLIPPER 5.3 FOR WINDOWS AND DOS 5.3 INSTALLATION INSTALL#.